Exercises for prostatitis: gymnastics for the treatment and prevention of disease

Men with prostate inflammation have been shown drug treatment in combination with physiotherapy procedures. Exercise is also useful for prostatitis. Regular exercise has a positive effect on a person's general condition. They allow you to deal with the factors that lead to the development of this disease. Therapeutic exercises against stagnant processes in the small pelvis, which worsen the condition of patients with prostatitis, are especially useful.

The benefits of exercise for the prostate

a man doing exercises for prostatitis

All classes must be performed systematically and cannot be skipped.

Exercises for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis should be done by every person who is at risk. Men should take seriously the doctor's recommendation to start playing sports, because the success of their recovery and achieving long-term remission depends on it.

Moderate physical activity in chronic prostatitis has a positive effect on men's health. They improve blood circulation and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Also, regular exercise improves the tone of the whole body. Therefore, it has the power to fight against pathological processes in internal organs and systems.

Exercises for prostatitis such as jumping, squatting and running are most useful for patients. Abdominal muscle training is no less effective. Especially popular are the complexes developed by Bubnovsky. Their action is aimed at mobilizing the forces of the human body.

Don’t expect instant results from exercise. It appears gradually. To achieve a health effect from sports, you should practice them regularly.

Not all patients know when is the best time to perform exercises to treat and prevent prostatitis. They do not understand under what forms such treatment is acceptable and safe. I can always hear the answers to these and other interesting questions from my doctor. Many experts believe that it is best to do various sports in the early stages of the disease or after eliminating the worsening of inflammation. This is the optimal period for adjuvant therapy.

Gymnastics for prostatitis complements medication and physiotherapy. In this case, the effectiveness of the fight against inflammation of the prostate increases several times. If such measures are taken at the very beginning of the development of the disease, then exercise in combination with other treatment options allows the patient to achieve complete recovery. If a man started playing sports in the last stages of pathology, then training will help him reduce the severity of painful symptoms.

Exercises to treat chronic prostatitis are very helpful for men. But we must keep in mind that many of them have contraindications for such therapy. For that reason, it is recommended that patients with such a diagnosis start playing sports only after obtaining a doctor's permission.

Types of exercises

There are many types of exercises that can be shown to men with prostate inflammation. Therefore, each patient has the opportunity to choose the sports direction that attracts him the most.

Without error, the patient must talk to his doctor about the possibility of engaging in certain types of training that he likes. It is undesirable to solve this issue on your own, because wrong actions can lead to worsening of prostatitis and worsening of general well-being.

Exercise therapy for prostatitis is recommended for most patients. Therapeutic exercise is suitable for many people, which is its main advantage.

Physical complexes (LFK)

exercises to treat prostatitis

Before you start exercising, you should find out if they have any contraindications.

Physical education is necessary for every man who is prescribed treatment for prostatitis. The patient is offered a set of exercises to strengthen certain muscle groups in the problem area. Most people train while lying on their stomach or back.

Exercise therapy may include the following exercises, which are especially useful for chronic prostatitis:

  • It is necessary to reduce and multiply the legs. They can stay upright during exercise or bend slightly at the knees. When growing the lower limbs, pull them to the floor at a short distance with your hands. It is necessary to perform 10-15 repetitions in each of the two approaches;
  • You need to sit on your back and straighten your lower limbs. Then they bend and pull on the chest. The action should be repeated exactly 4 times. Do a few approaches;
  • In the supine position, you must raise your legs a few centimeters from the floor surface. At this point, lift your torso to your elbows. The lower limbs during exercise for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis should be reduced and grown. These steps are repeated 10 times. You need to make 2-3 approaches;
  • It is necessary to raise the lower limbs together with the pelvis at a right angle to the floor. The lower back should be held with the hands at this time. You have to stay in this position for a few seconds. The action is repeated 5 times;
  • In the supine position, it is necessary to raise straight legs about 5-10 cm from the floor. In this position, it is necessary to fix them for a few seconds. After the feet are lowered to the floor. The exercise should be repeated 5-7 times.

This type of exercise can be done at home. It is also used in medical institutions.


yoga exercises for prostatitis

During the exercises, you must fully concentrate on their implementation.

Yoga is different from prostatitis. As a rule, patients are offered a complex of hatha yoga, which even a beginner can do.

Doctors have repeatedly noted that yoga with prostatitis can strengthen the body's defenses and help increase the effectiveness of drug treatment. The most useful for prostate inflammation are reverse asanas and manipulations performed with the muscles of the abdominal region.

As mentioned earlier, for men with prostatitis, reverse positions are most beneficial. There is a logical explanation for this. During such exercises, the venous plexuses of the inflamed organ are relieved. Thanks to this, the problem of stagnant processes that lead to the chronic course of the disease is quickly solved.

During yoga classes, the patient should carefully monitor the general condition. With significant deterioration, it is advisable to abandon training. Often, discomfort during yoga is associated with increased pressure on the chest and abdomen.

The patient can attend yoga classes or watch video trainings. If the exercises are performed correctly, after a while they will be able to achieve the following results:

  1. The work of the nerve endings is normalized.
  2. The function of the internal organs located in the area of the pelvis improves.
  3. The processes of filling the prostate with blood return to normal.

Yoga exercises to prevent prostatitis certainly include the following asanas:

  • "Triangle". You should keep your back as straight as possible. The legs are in a widely spaced position. Take your left foot with your palms and rest your face on the nearest knee. You must stand in this position for about 15 seconds. Then the manipulation is performed with the right limb;
  • "Closed ring". It is necessary to lie on your stomach and lift your upper body. The legs also go up. They should be grabbed by the palms of the ankles. The person should remain in this position for the next 30 seconds;
  • "Eagle. "It is necessary to stand on a half-bent right limb. The left one at this point needs to be thrown over the lower leg and thigh of the right one. The person remains in this position for 60 seconds. Then it is necessary to change the legs.

It is highly recommended to practice yoga with a trainer. This is especially true for men who have not had to perform asanas before. The help of experts will enable them to avoid gross mistakes during classes.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises for prostatitis

You can watch videos online if you have questions about how to perform this complex.

Kegel exercises have a therapeutic effect in chronic prostatitis. They are designed especially for women who have very stretched hip muscles during childbirth. The complex allowed them to tone up. He gradually changed. Now such exercises can be done not only by women, but also by members of the stronger sex. Today, such training is actively conducted by men who have prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Urologists have repeatedly noticed a noticeable improvement in men with prostatitis who perform Kegel exercises regularly. Thanks to such training, muscle tone is increased and blood circulation in the pelvis is normalized. The complex also has a positive effect on potency.

Kegel exercises for chronic prostatitis can be performed as follows:

  • You need to squeeze the pubococcygeal muscle. After that, the man should hold his breath and squeeze it even harder. The breath is held again and the action is repeated. This condition needs to be felt for a few seconds. After that, you are allowed to exhale and relax completely. The exercise must be repeated 10 times;
  • It is necessary to spread the legs shoulder-width apart and contract the pubococcygeal muscle. The muscles of the anus must also be involved in the process. In this position it is desirable to endure the maximum time. Exercise is performed 10 times 2-5 times a day;
  • You have to lie on your back. The legs should be in a bent position at the knees. In this position, you should squeeze the same muscles as in the previous exercises. This action can be performed an unlimited number of times a day.

It is not always possible for a man to understand where the pubococcygeal muscle is located that should be tense during Kegel exercises. You can find it as follows. The next time you visit the toilet, you need to stop the jet abruptly. A muscle that is currently tense is desirable.

Gymnastics and exercises

squats for prostatitis

Squats can be performed with or without light weight.

The male body often suffers from congestive processes in the pelvic area. They also lead to the development of prostatitis and other diseases. Regular gymnastics can solve this problem. It is also recommended for the treatment of prostatitis.

To treat and prevent prostate inflammation, men should exercise daily. It only takes 10-15 minutes of free time. In return, the person gets a burst of strength and energy, which is enough for him for the whole working day. In addition, simple exercises prevent the occurrence of stagnation of fluid in the pelvis, which is important for men's health.

Therapeutic gymnastics, which helps with prostatitis, includes the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back and place one hand on your chest. The other upper limb is placed on the abdomen. They should be raised during inhalation and lowered during exhalation. It is desirable to repeat this action at least 6 times;
  • It is necessary to sit down and try to reach the tips of the fingers on the lower extremities with your hands. The exercise is performed 8 times;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees. First of all, you need to take the lower limbs to the right side. Then the same action is repeated only to the left;
  • In the supine position, it is necessary to raise the pelvis as much as possible. This action is performed 8 times;
  • You have to lean on a chair, stand on your toes, take a deep breath and try to sit up. At the moment of descent it is necessary to exhale;
  • From prostatitis it is necessary to do squats. When lowering the pelvis, it is advisable to take it as far back as possible. Therefore, it is possible to achieve good tension of the muscle tissues belonging to the pelvic floor;
  • It is necessary to make several turns in different directions.

Charging for prostatitis, like therapeutic exercises, can be supplemented by walking on the spot. The exercise lasts about 2-3 minutes. It is allowed to repeat the approach after the pulse returns to normal.

The filling and complexes are aimed at improving the work of the genitourinary system and its organs, which can be affected by inflammatory processes. Exercise is very useful in prostatitis and prostate adenoma, because it eliminates congestion in a short time and prevents their recurrence.


Many patients are shown qigong for prostatitis. This is a unique practice that is very popular in the East. Its action is aimed at maximum relaxation of muscle tissue and increasing the concentration of human attention. In addition, it improves the blood circulation process and eliminates congestion in the body. After training, men improve their psycho-emotional state, which is another advantage.

This practice can be practiced by people of all ages and any physical fitness. This is the versatility of the complex.

Contraindications and precautions

high blood pressure as a contraindication to exercise in prostatitis

Therapeutic exercises are not recommended for people with high blood pressure.

Gymnastics for prostatitis, as well as any set of exercises, can be not only useful, but also harmful to health. Therefore, before starting training, you must make sure that you have no contraindications for such therapy. A doctor's examination and hardware diagnostics will help you find out.

You must talk to your doctor about your decision to start performing certain exercises, even if they are the best and safest. It is advisable to choose a set of training.

Men who have a fever need to refuse any physical activity. Indicates the presence in the body of an acute inflammatory process, in which training is strictly prohibited.

With caution, the exercises should be performed by men who have been diagnosed with hip injuries. Such training can significantly worsen their situation. Contraindications also include hypertension and osteochondrosis.

Most physical exercises should not be performed by men with prostatitis who have undergone surgery or severe illness. One should wait until the body gets enough strength for such activity.